The Christian Assistance Program (CAP) is a cooperative ministry involving 12 Christian churches in our local area. We work together to provide food for the needy and cooperate in sponsoring the Red Cross blood drives. The local churches that make up CAP are:
Ark & Dove Presbyterian Church
Arundel Baptist Church
Delmont United Methodist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Epiphany Episcopal Church
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Gambrills Church of God
Macedonia United Methodist Church
Nichols Bethel United Methodist Church
Severn United Methodist Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church
The Church at Severn Run
Severn United Methodist Church (1215 Old Camp Meade Rd., Severn MD) houses the CAP Food Pantry. It is open to qualifying individuals on Tuesdays from 11:00am to 1:00pm & Thursdays from 3:00pm. to 5:00pm.
Our church also contributes to the annual community’s distribution of Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets