Nichols-Bethel’s Beliefs and Practices

Welcoming All

Jesus welcomes everyone to His Father’s house, and so do we. We are all created in God’s image and need His grace and forgiveness, as no single one of us is perfect. God unconditionally loves all of us as His children. Whether you are new to the faith or are seeking a closer walk with Jesus, we hope you find a home in our church.

About Leadership

Leaders are called from many walks of life: male or female, young or old, single or married, educated by experience or training. We welcome the contributions of all who share and practice our beliefs in ministerial and leadership capacities. 

About Marriage

Marriage and sexual intimacy are sacred gifts to be held with care and for the glory of God. We believe that God’s design for marriage is a binding commitment between one man and one woman. We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other.

About Sexuality and Gender

We welcome all who seek a closer walk with Jesus regardless of their sexual orientation or gender expression and believe that individual and collective responses to these very personal issues should be conducted with grace and truth, rooted in scripture, and guided by the spirit with love.

About Communion

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (communion) during our worship services on the first Sunday of each month.  All Christians of any age (including infants) and all Christian denominations are welcome to the Lord’s Table. It is Christ’s Table, not ours. Jesus welcomes all, and so do we.

About Worship Services

Our church has traditional and contemporary worship services each Sunday morning, as well as special services throughout the year. Our traditional services are held at 8:00 am and 11:00 am. Our 8:00 am chapel service is held in the sanctuary and features hymns accompanied by a grand piano. Our 11:00 am traditional worship service is held in the sanctuary and features hymns accompanied by a pipe organ and choir music. Our contemporary worship service is held at 9:30 am in the Lighthouse Worship Center and features contemporary Christian music led by a praise band. We have scripture (Bible) readings, prayer, and sermons at all services.

About Christian Education

Our church places a high value on Christian education because we are called to: 

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).

To demonstrate our desire to follow God, we apply ourselves to vigorous Christian teachings through weekly sermons, special children’s messages, Sunday School classes, Bible studies, Vacation Bible School, and our preschool.

About Fellowship

Jesus said, 

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20).

Fellowship and a sense of church community are fostered through various events, programs, and small groups, such as family ministries, youth ministries, Women In Faith, United Methodist Men, or just socializing before or after Sunday worship.

About Local and International Missions

Jesus commanded us to “love your neighbor as yourself,” and we embrace this way of life. The whole church – including the people, facilities, and resources – engages daily in this calling throughout the year, serving neighbors with Backpack Buddies, Helping Hands, Baby Blessings, Arundel House of Hope, Hope for All, and the Christian Assistance Program (CAP). Internationally, we love supporting Missions in Zimbabwe with construction efforts, a Liberian Seminary, and the Orphan Grain Train to reduce food insecurity in Ethiopia, Ghana, and other parts of the great continent of Africa.

About Community Support

Our church has a long history of supporting our community. We open our doors to many events and organizations that need a place to gather. We are honored to host Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Club Sci Kids, and Alcoholics Anonymous. We also host music lessons, recitals, weddings, funerals, and other community events. 

About You

As a Christian, you are a sacred child of God, and God has a holy purpose for you.  God wants each of us to practice our unique calling every day, and this church community aspires to provide a safe and fertile garden for you to find out how fearfully and wonderfully you have been made in God’s image.  We hope you will find a warm and welcoming spirit in this place for a day, a season, or a lifetime as God reveals your abundant life and purpose.


Approved by Church Council on Thursday, 18 July 2024